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Why choose us?
  • We maintain the high quality of the products we offer by cooperating with certified suppliers of the European Union.
  • For the professionalism, consistency and organization that characterizes us.
  • For the timely and valid shipment of goods.
  • Aiming at the best interests of our customers, we have built long-term relationships of trust with people who have supported us and followed us for years.
  • We are characterized by the long-term relationship with our suppliers.
  • We are consistent in our commitments.
Ways to store items

A large part of chemical, biochemical reagents, solvents, glass and plastic laboratory material, is in stock in our warehouse for the purpose of immediate service to you.

There is a special area for flammable materials and the company is subject to an annual audit by the fire service for active fire safety.

The temperature is recorded in order to better preserve the items.

Are shipments also made outside Attica?

We undertake shipments throughout the Greek territory.

We work with our own transport companies for immediate and reliable delivery of items.

What is the average delivery time of your products?
  • A wide range of products is available for immediate delivery.
  • For chemical reagents, the time required varies between 10 and 15 days.
  • For biochemical reagents and electrophoresis items, the time required varies between 20 and 25 days.
  • For organic solvents and microbiological products, the time required varies between 30 and 40 days.
  • For glassware, laboratory instruments, the time required varies between 35 and 45 days.
  • For electron microscope products, the time required is between 20 and 30 days.
  • For plastic lab supplies, the time required varies between 20 and 30 days.
  • For laboratory thermometers, electronic hydrometers, the time required varies between 20 and 30 days.
  • For deuterated solvents and NMR tubes, the time required varies between 15 and 20 days.

Did not find answers?

In case you have not found any answers here or you have more inquiries to ask, please feel free to drop us a message and we will contact you back very soon.

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